OBOA Call for Board Nominations

Be a leader in OBOA! This is the official call for board candidates.

Submit Nomination

The Oregon Building Officials Association is accepting nominations (recommendations) for individuals to serve on the 2024/2025 OBOA Board of Directors, the governing body of the association.

We are looking for dedicated and enthusiastic leaders who will provide their valuable time and expertise to the association and thoughtfully represent the membership. You may nominate yourself or someone you believe will serve and help steer the course of OBOA well. 

Nominees must be an OBOA member in good standing and exhibit an eagerness to contribute to board activities and responsibilities. Serving on a volunteer board can be exceptionally professionally rewarding and provide unique opportunities for career enhancement and growth. It can also be a place for experienced leaders to give back and contribute to a bright future for the profession.

The OBOA Nominating Committee will review potential candidates and present its slate of nominees to the membership prior to the Annual Business Meeting (ABM) on July 18, 2024. The terms for officers are for one year and at-large director terms are for two years. The elective year runs from this year's OBOA Annual Business Meeting (July 17-19, 2024) through the 2025 Annual Business Meeting. Installation of the new board takes place annually at the ABM.

Please consider nominating someone who will provide valuable leadership to further our mission.

Nominate yourself or a colleague by Friday, May 10, 2024.

You may make nominations for yourself or others, either at your jurisdiction/organization or another within Oregon. Current and designated OBOA member representatives may serve on the OBOA Board of Directors. Past committee chair or active member participation is strongly encouraged to join the board.

2024/2025 OBOA Board of Directors

We seek nominations for the Director-at-Large position and strongly encourage our members to nominate fellow OBOA members they believe would serve the association and profession well. Nominations can be for colleagues within your own jurisdiction, or another jurisdiction, and self-nominations are accepted.

The Nominating Committee carefully reviews the submissions for potential candidates and announces a slate of candidates to the OBOA membership at the Annual Business Meeting (this year's ABM will be on July 18, 2024).

Volunteering can be extremely rewarding and help enhance your career. Important professional connections and building key relationships are often developed in this committee work. You are invited to expand your career while also giving back to the profession with OBOA.

Thank you for your support of the Oregon Building Officials Association and for taking the time to submit a nomination. Your voice is very important!

Please be aware that nominees for board positions will be required to submit a letter of authorization to serve prior to the ABM installment.