OBOA Past Presidents Committee

Giving Back to Our Community

The OBOA Past Presidents established a charitable give-back committee in 2012.  The purpose is to identify and plan projects that will help citizens in very real, practical, and tangible ways. In addition to meeting the needs of others, our perspective is that by giving back we will raise the profile of the code professional as caring individuals.  The OBOA Past Presidents Committee also has the side benefit of keeping former OBOA leadership involved and engaged which promotes OBOA organizational health.

The Past Presidents meet several times a year to plan and organize annual projects.  All OBOA members and stakeholders are encouraged to participate in projects through donations of expertise, labor, or funds.  Current activities include:
  • Partnering with the Oregon Paralyzed Veterans of America to complete accessibility upgrades for veterans
  • Partnering with stakeholders in promoting Building Safety Month activities
  • Supporting CANstruction as a major sponsor to benefit the Oregon Food Bank
  • Providing scholarships to Building Inspection Technology Students

Financial support primarily comes from two sources including periodic raffles for specific items that are open to anyone, and optional donations to the OBOA outreach fund with membership dues collections.  Anyone can donate or participate in the most current raffle.



By virtue of the name, only OBOA Past Presidents are invited into this committee; however, we encourage feedback and communication from fellow members to this important group.